All You Need To Know About Albert McIntosh (Kate Bush’s Son)

Albert McIntosh | Kate Bush's Son

Albert McIntosh is Kate Bush’s son, and he has been making waves in the entertainment world ever since he was discovered. While he is popularly renowned to be Kate Bush’s son, most fans had no knowledge of him until Kate Bush dedicated her song “Bertie” to him.

In this article, you will find out all you need to know about Kate Bush’s son.

Albert McIntosh Age: How Old Is Kate Bush’s Son?

Albert McIntosh is a 25-year-old British singer and actor. He was born in 1998 to Kate Bush and Dan McIntosh.

Albert McIntosh stands 5 feet 8 inches from the ground while weighing around 65kg.

Albert McIntosh Is Kate Bush’s Support System

Albert McIntosh has played a pivotal role in shaping Kate Bush’s life and career. His influence was crucial in Kate’s decision to re-enter the music industry. 

This close mother-son duo has been seen together at various public events, including their joint appearance to receive a South Bank Arts award.

Kate not only recognized her son’s impact but also immortalized him in her music. She named a track after him in her 2005 album, “Aerial,” and credited him in another titled “Somewhere In Between.” 

In her 2014 concert, she publicly expressed gratitude to Albert for giving her the courage to stage her comeback.

Albert’s commitment extended beyond the stage; he managed his school responsibilities while significantly contributing to his mother’s career revival. Kate revealed that Albert played multiple roles, acting as her chief consultant, editor, and confidant.

Albert McIntosh Is A Multitalented

Beyond his singing career, Albert McIntosh has demonstrated his acting prowess. His presence was notable in “Kate Bush: Deeper Understanding” in 2011, and he actively participated in the third act of his mother’s concert.

With his talent and determination, Albert is positioned to leave a substantial mark on the entertainment industry in the coming years.

Albert McIntosh’s Parents: Kate Bush And Dan McIntosh

Albert McIntosh’s parents are Kate Bush and Dan McIntosh, and both parents have managed to leave their mark in the music industry. 

The former is a legendary musician, while the latter is an English guitarist and a record label CEO.

Albert McIntosh’s Personal Life

Albert McIntosh chooses to maintain a level of privacy regarding his personal life. Currently unattached, he directs his attention to his career, persistently advancing in the realm of entertainment.

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